The Council of Southeast Chinese Christian Churches

The Council of Southeast Chinese Christian Churches is an evangelical Christian organization, associated with independent Chinese Christian Churches in the southeast of United States. We sponsor the following activities every year:


第44屆(2017)美東南華人基督徒夏令會 於 6/30/2017 至 07/02/2017
Shocco Springs Baptist Conference Center舉行,

2017夏令會網上報名(Online Registration)
網上報名使用說明(Online Registration Instruction)

線下報名表(Offline Registration Forms)

夏令會最新消息(Lastest News) 夏令會PPT(Promotional PPT)
夏令會聯絡人群組(Church Coordinators) 青少年夏令營(Youth Camp)

The Council of Southeast Chinese Christian Churches has the following member churches 策委會:


If you have any question or suggestion about this site, please email me.
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