

T1 成人主日学教学方法和中国培训事工


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  • 程晓容弟兄现服事于亚特兰大华人基督教会(ACCC),主要参与的事工为主日学与青泉学生团契
  • 程弟兄与妻子韩曦艾姐妹多年来于美东南,参与南卡 (South Carolina) 的克莱姆森 (Clemson) 教会、格林维尔 (Greenville) 教会、与查尔斯顿 (Charleston) 教会的主日学教导与学生事工
  • 程弟兄现任亚特兰大莫瑟大学 (Mercer University) 会计系副教授,教授会研所审计学、会计信息系统、与财务会计等课程



  1. 依各自教会特性建构适合的主日学课程
  2. 说出新旧约历史的大致结构
  3. 经历准备和教学的过程并得到回馈


  1. 概论 - 美东南各教会成人主日学面面观
  2. 基本認識 - 為什麼對新、舊約歷史的了解這麼重要
  3. 主日學課程帶領練習之一﹕利未記第十三章
  4. 主日學課程帶領練習之二﹕瑪拉基書第一、二章
  5. 主日學課程帶領練習之三﹕啟示錄 4:1-8:1

T2 儿童主日学教学方法训练

教师:何金川传道和夫人Betty (Frank Tan,Betty Tan) ACCC

  • Frank Tan (何金川) has been involved in children's ministry for nearly 30 years, with volunteer and full-time experience in PHILIPPINES, TAIWAN, and the U.S. He is currently the Children's Minister at Atlanta Chinese Christian Church in Tucker, GA. He has a passion for reaching and teaching kids, sharing the D6 vision (Deuteronomy 6) with parents and adults, and networking with others in children's ministry. His latest project involves building up a network of children's ministry workers who serve in Chinese churches for mutual encouragement, edification, and equipping. He is currently the Children's Minister at Atlanta Chinese Christian Church in Tucker, GA.
  • Frank met and married his wife Betty in Taiwan. Betty trained and served full-time with Child Evangelism Fellowship Taiwan from 1986-1992. They have worked together in children's ministry for 22 years, starting when Frank worked as a volunteer in Taipei under Betty's leadership. Nowadays, Betty is the volunteer while Frank serves full-time. Betty also has teaching experience working with preschoolers. They have three children: Anne, a college freshman at Rochester Institute of Technology; Elise Joy, 10th grader; and Nathanael, 8th grader. All three children have a heart to serve in ministry and serve regularly in the local church.



  1. 学会儿童教学方法,带回教会应用


  1. Leading a Child to Christ (Seminar) (MP4 下载)

  2. Beyond a Bible Story to a Lesson (Seminar) (MP4 下载)

  3. Planning a Class Hour (Seminar) (MP4 下载)

  4. Trends in Children’s Ministry (Roundtable Discussion) (MP4 下载 Part 1, MP4 下载 Part 2)

  5. Children’s Worship (Demonstration) (MP4 下载 Part 1, MP4 下载 Part 2)


  1. Creative Ideas and Resources presented after each session
  2. Optional teaching practicum and debriefing
  3. Resource providers and curriculum publishers are being contacted for providing resources to give to participants.

T3 归纳法查经训练


  • 畢業於紐約學城大學Syracuse University 諮商輔導碩士(1990)
  • 台灣校園團契同工十年(1993-2003)
  • 與丈夫齊一仁牧師在亞特蘭大華人基督教會(ACCC) 牧會十一年(2003-至今 )



  1. 是一種還原作者本意的方法,避免研經時,讀入己見或以偏蓋全,能抓住核心要義
  2. 培養獨立研經能力,是方法的的練習,旨在培養主動思考,消化,吸收神話語的能力 (MP4 下载)


  1. 訓練個人能自己研讀聖經,建立靈修生活習惯
  2. 訓練個人能分享研經所得,進而能一对一領人歸主,作主門徒
  3. 儲備小組查經人才,提升查經素质


  1. 歸納法第一步 - 觀察 (MP4 下载)

  2. 歸納法第一步 - 解釋 (MP4 下载)

  3. 歸納法第一步 - 歸納 (MP4 下载)

  4. 歸納法第一步 - 應用 (MP4 下载)

  5. 歸納法四步練習 (MP4 下载)



  1. 議論文體 - 腓立比書: 新約書信共27卷,書信佔了22卷,藉著研讀腓利比書,能進而幫助研讀其它書信